Articles on: Participants FAQ

How to unblock the CoffeePals Bot

Sometimes, users accidentally block the CoffeePals app which prevents CoffeePals from sending them matched. When this happens, CoffeePals will disable matching for that user to ensure they are not paired with anyone new until they unblock the app.

In the user list in the team settings page, admins will see a red exclamation mark beside the users name. When this happens, the admin can message the individual asking them if they wish to continue meeting new people. If they do want to continue using CoffeePals, the admin can send them this page on how to unblock the app.

How to unblock the CoffeePals app

In the personal chat list in Teams, click the three dots next to the CoffeePals chat
Click Unblock Bot

Alternatively, users can right click the CoffeePals app in the side menu and unblock the app.

If you have any questions that we did not cover or feedback, hit the purple chat button at the bottom right of the screen! You can also contact us at

Updated on: 16/07/2024

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