Articles on: Participants FAQ

My match is unavailable, how can I get a new match?

How do I get a new match if my match is unavailable?

We've made it very easy to request a new match if your match is unavailable or if you've gone a few days without getting a response! All you need to do is follow the steps below:

On the match card, click on the "..."

Then choose "View more Options"

You will receive a new card that allows you to request a new match. NOTE: this will remove the match card that you received, which is an irreversible step.

Once someone else on your team requests a new match, you will be paired up!

What happens to my match group?

Everyone on your match group will receive the following card:

This card will allow them to:

Request a new match for themself
Skip being matched this cycle

If you have any questions that we did not cover or feedback, hit the purple chat button at the bottom right of the screen! You can also contact us at

Updated on: 16/07/2024

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