Articles on: Admins FAQs

How do I remove the CoffeePals app from the team?

Note: This will stop users from syncing with the team. If you are looking to personally opt-out of matching, refer to this article.

Removing the CoffeePals app from the team

You may need to remove the app from the team if you added it to the wrong team, or you no longer wish to participate in CoffeePals programs. Here are a few option you have for doing so.

Remove the audience (Team) from the program

You may want to remove the audience if you wish to continue running the program for other audiences.

Access the dashboard
Find the program you want to remove the audience from.
Click the configuration tab
Click on Archive

Remove an audience from a program

Archive the program

You may want to pause or archive the program if you no longer wish to run the program.

Access the dashboard
Find the program you no longer want to run
Press on the three dots next to ā€œPause programā€
Click on Archive

Remove CoffeePals from Microsoft Teams

You may need to remove the CoffeePals app from the team if you've added it to the wrong team, or simply wish to delete it.

Note, removing the app from the team will not stop the program from running. To stop the program, see our help article here.

To remove the app in Microsoft Teams, simply click the three dots beside the team name that has the CoffeePals app installed, then click manage team. In the top bar, you will see a tab called ā€Apps", go to that tab and find CoffeePals. Click the garbage can icon next to CoffeePals to remove it. This will stop syncing the users for the audience.

Deleting an audience

You may want to delete an audience if you've added the CoffeePals app to the wrong team.

Click the Audiences tab
Click the three dots on the right side of the audience table row that you wish to delete.
Click the garbage can icon at the bottom left side of the slideout

Delete an audience

If you have any questions that we did not cover or feedback, hit the purple chat button at the bottom right of the screen! You can also contact us at

Updated on: 30/04/2024

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